New Bike
I got a Cervelo P2 bike (2008 model).
Holy freaking crap it is awesome. Averaging 2 MPH faster, and even more importantly, it is just super comfortable to be in the Aero position. I used to think the tri bike was sort of bullshit, but now I am a convert.
New swim
Reminder: it is ok to turn my head to breath. It's better to do that than to turn my shoulders out of the axis of the rest of my body! That's what I end up doing sometimes because I somehow got the idea that I should never turn my head. Wrong.
Better breathing by letting gravity do the work. Instead of holding my right arm straight forward when breathing to the left, I let it fall naturally as my body turns to breath. It is much more fluid and natural breathing motion.
MedPro Security Products
7 years ago